Tuesday, December 31, 2013

WRU Unplugger of the Year

The WRU Unplugger of the Year need not be a monarchist, nor regret the fall of the Old European Order. The WRU Unplugger of the Year is simply the one who is considered to have done most in bringing about the unplugging of the Wilson Revolution.

This year's awardee has done a most outstanding job at exposing the privacy invading activities of the behemoth that is at the center of the Wilsonian world order.

The 2013 WRU Unplugger of the Year is:

Edward Joseph Snowden

Edward Joseph Snowden


Quote of the Month

Writes “Strategos” over at his weblog Liberty and Justice:

They have no honor, no sense of duty, no appreciation of western civilization, they are just nihilistic partisan hacks obsessed with their own power. The Conservative intelligentsia is much better and the majority of their work is spot on, the problem is they are bound by the Cathedral as the Neo-Reactionaries call it as well, they remain committed to liberal democracy and the social revolutions of the post-victorian period, they will never support monarchism, a smaller electorate or really any structural reforms that will fundamentally alter society towards our end and believe we will win through economic reforms like a Flat Tax.

From December...

Over at The Independent, Mr. Guy Keleny says real liberals should support the monarchy, concluding:

Well, I submit that for true liberals, who care most of all for the liberty of the individual citizen, the “will of the people” is a will o’ the wisp, frequently invoked by crooks and tyrants. We do not like triumphs of the will, even that of the people. The chief value of democracy is not in “getting things done” – that is the socialist way – but in preventing the abuse of power by those in charge. And the chief value of monarchs is that they are there not by their own will or anybody else’s but by pure chance. The important thing is not to confuse the person and the office; the Queen is not a god, nor does she “deserve” the privileges of her office. But that office is ancient, colourful and modestly useful, and we’d be crazy to get rid of it.
Psyposts reports on research for implementing tyranny of the majority.

Mr. Matt Briggs reflects on Plato and democracy.

PoliticsUSA reports on someone refusing to pledge support for democracy. Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

The Mad Monarchist reviews the year, concluding:
Most troubling for me about 2013 was the further deterioration of tradition and traditional values. Royal children born out of wedlock, “inter-faith” coronations and so on. Belgium and Luxembourg both have openly homosexual prime ministers and in little Luxembourg bigger changes are planned with the current government such as legalizing gay marriage, gay adoption, removing religious classes from the public schools and doing away with Catholic services as part of National Day celebrations. The King of The Netherlands says he doesn’t want to be called “Your Majesty”, the Prince of Wales wants an “inter-faith” coronation and the Pope is talking about income inequality and driving a Ford. In all the good and bad we have seen in 2013, it is safe to say that those supporting tradition and monarchy, in Europe in particular, need to step their game up in a big way.
In another post, the same blogger says:
However, over time, minor incidents were so exaggerated that the British public, it seems, came to view the monarch as being the adviser to the Parliament rather than the reverse and invested so much power in politicians for fear of being tyrannized by a monarch that today the monarch has no power to restrain the politicians from tyrannizing the people.
A few other posts by the same blogger:Also at the same blog, Alberta Royalist gives his thoughts on the Canadian Senate and a future House of Lords.

Over at his weblog Royal World, Mr. Theodode Harvey ponders the concepts of left and right. He also mentions a French pretender. More at Royal World in December.

Tea at Trianon has a post on Queen Charlotte (consort of George III) and the Christmas tree and one on abandoned castles in France.

Mr. Gareth Russell sums up a few reads from the year that is closing, including a couple of books related to the war whose centenary is coming up.

The Financial Times interviews the Sovereign Prince of Liechtenstein (via Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites).

Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites presents a story of a colonel who would not stand up for his King.

Over at The Guardian, Mr. Martin Kettle reflects on what would have happened if Germany had won the Great War (via LRC).

Over at the LRC Blog, Mr. Charles Burris has some quotes related to the Great War.

Over at the Mail on Sunday, Mr. Peter Hitchens gives his thoughts on the institution of marriage.

Ad Orientem brings us a report on a speech of the Prince of Wales on Christianity and the Middle East.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Hungarian Coronation

Three years short of a century ago today, the latest Hungarian coronation took place.

Mozart's Krönungsmesse:

Sunday, December 29, 2013

More on the Fed

Over at Enter Stage Right, Bruce Walker takes on the American central bank.

Also, the testimony of Thomas E. Woods, jr. on the Federal Reserve:

Friday, December 27, 2013

Romanian Monarchy March

Coat of Arms of RomaniaBack in November, over a thousand marched in Bucharest for reinstatement of the monarchy. So Romania-Insider.com reports.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

Enjoy from the Kaiserstadt:

Romanov Christmas memories:

Christmas of 1914 & 1915

Elisabeth of Bavaria

Two dozen years short of two centuries ago today, Elisabeth of Bavaria was born.

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Federal Reserve

A century ago today, the Persona Non Grata of this weblog signed the Federal Reserve Act into law.

Dr. Ron Paul gives his take:

And Ben Swann:

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013

Season Shopping

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Toulon Retreat

220 years ago today, the Siege of Toulon ended with a revolutionary victory.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Boston "Tea Party" at 240

A dozen score years ago today, rebels dumped tea into the sea in Boston Harbor.

The Mad Monarchist presents U.S. views on monarchy:

Over at mises.org back in 2007, N. Joseph Potts presented his view.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Redrawing of Europe

Chateau de Brest95 years ago today, the bête noire of this blog arrived for the post-WWI Versailles conference.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Independence of Kenya

Kenya Blue EnsignHalf a century ago today, Kenya became independent, and Queen Elizabeth II assumed the title of Queen of Kenya.

Previously: Kenyan Independence

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Farewell to Oscar II

A century and half a dozen years ago today, Oscar II, King of Sweden and formerly King of Norway, passed on – in his 79th year.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Day of True Infamy

96 years ago today, the Persona Non Grata and bête noire of this weblog signed the declaration of war against Austria-Hungary, after having spoken three days earlier. The motion to declare war passed unopposed in the United States Senate. It was opposed by one honorable United States Representative. This war had become for the Allied Powers almost exclusively – if not entirely – a war to make the world safe for unfettered mass democracy, although the British Empire had to wait a while to have that unleashed upon it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Off to Redraw Europe

Wintergarden and Salon for 1st Class passengers of the George Washington luxury steamer, built by the Norddeutsche Lloyd in 1909
Five years short of a century ago today, the Persona Non Grata of this blog set sail aboard the USS George Washington to redraw the map of Europe and make the world safe for King Demos.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Accession of Franz Joseph

165 years ago today, the reign of Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria commenced.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Randoms on Democracy and Monarchy

Geeky monarchists have been noticed over at CrunchBase.

Royal World has some post, some of which are:

Some of the posts of the Mad Monarchist:Some on the Great War:Some on the so-called shutdown of the federal government of those United States:Vive la Reine has a post on the portrait of Louis XVI at Mount Vernon (via Tea at Trianon).

28 percent of Russians in an opinion poll want the vacancy of the Russian throne to end. So RT reports. Says Avenging Red Hand:
Why are we going around choosing kings? Maria Vladimirovna is the Empress. End of story. Crown her.

Radish gives us Democracy and the Intellectuals.

The Radical Royalist reports on the monarchism of Her Britannic Majesty's new Australian Prime Minister.

Over at his weblog More Right, Michael Anissimov posts Ten Objections to Traditionalism and Monarchism, With Answers, amongst other interesting material.

Outsideness says:
Constitutions are designs and operating instructions for mechanisms. They don't rule any more than rocket blueprints blast into orbit.
The same also says:
Unlike democracy, the Easter Bunny looks good in principle.
James Woods quotes a Pruzansky:
The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living[.]
Bryce Laliberte writes:
Democracy is not politically neutral. It favors certain kinds of social reform over others, which becomes a feedback loop into singularity.
Mr. Laliberte also writes:
Democracy is war. You win by the willingness to cause destruction.
I don't want democracy because nearly everyone is stupid and I don't trust them.
Also from Mr. Laliberte:
Opposition to democracy should be the conservative's foundation. Without this, he has already lost.
Finally a supposed quote from Queen Victoria:
Feminists ought to get a good whipping.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Quote of the Month

Writes the Mad Monarchist:

I am a monarchist and heaping adulation and hero worship on a republican politician is not on my list of priorities.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Stossel: Politically Correct History

John Stossel reviews some of politically correct history:

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism

Mr. Stefan Molyneux presents the myth of Scandinavia:

Monday, November 25, 2013

All the King's Men...

Population Density in the American Colonies in 1775230 years ago today, His Britannic Majesty's forces left New York.

Friday, November 22, 2013

C.S. Lewis Passing

C.S. Lewis plaque
50 years ago today, C.S. Lewis passed from this world.

To quote:
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

Aldous Huxley Passing

Today marks half a century since the passing of Aldous Huxley, author of the dystopia Brave New World.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Uncrowned Emperor 101

Today marks the 101st birthday of the late Archduke Otto of Austria – the third after his passing.

Ian Douglas Smith Passing

Half a dozen years ago today, Ian Douglas Smith passed away.

Rhodesia was lost to the Wilsonian World Order and its blind faith in absolute universal suffrage democracy. The result lies open for everyone to see.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Gettysburg Address at 150

Three halves of a century ago today, Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address.

On this day we recall the words of Samuel Langhorne Clemens:

Wherefore being all of one mind, we do highly resolve that government of the grafted by the grafter for the grafter shall not perish from the earth.
Remember also some words of Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn:
While it is perhaps true that “one cannot fool all the people all the time,” it seems that one can fool millions for centuries.
A behemoth was to rise to make the world “safe” for democracy.

Happy National Day, Monaco!

The Principality of Monaco, one of two monarchies in Europe where the monarch can actually in any meaningful way be said to still be ruling, celebrates her National Day.

Congratulations! Especially to the Princely Family and the people and residents of Monaco!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Schiff and Rogers

Peter Schiff and Jim Rogers have their recent takes on the financial madness:

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Quote of the Month (October)

Writes Schlarlach over at the weblog Habitable Worlds:

Democracy is rule by idiots who vote for things that sound good to them at the time.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Viva o Império Brasileiro!

A century and a couple of dozen years ago today, Emperor Pedro II was deposed.

124 years of Interregnum is more than enough!

Over at Royal World, Mr. Theodore Harvey reported from his Brazil trip in June.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Guns Silent

95 years ago today, the guns of the Great War fell silent – the last anniversary of Armistice Day before the centennial of the beginning of that same dreadful war.

On the same day, the Emperor of Austria renounced power and the Austro-Hungarian Imperial-Royal Family moved from Schönbrunn to internal exile at Eckartsau.

Two days prior, the German abdication had been announced.

Two days later, the Hungarian equivalent to the Austrian renunciation was signed at Eckartsau.

A world ended, it was the dawn of a new age, the era of Wilsonian mass democracy.

This eleventh of November is also the 66th anniversary famous dictum on democracy. It is too the anniversary of the House of Lords Act 1999.

Friday, November 8, 2013

The American Republic and an Interregnum

topographic map of Austria
Four score and a dozen years ago today, the peace treaty after the Great War between Austria and those United States came into force.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Bloody Red October

Eight dozen years ago today, the world was struck by Red October.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sweden and Norway in Union

A year short of two centuries ago today, the Kingdoms og Sweden and Norway were joined in union through the Norwegian Parliament's constitutional amendment of this day, resulting in what is known as the November Constitution.

A short tribute to then-Crown-Prince and later King:

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bertrand de Jouvenel at 110

Daniel J. Mahoney: Bertrand de Jouvenel110 years ago today, Bertrand de Jouvenel was born.

Happy Halloween!

Halloween (photo: Toby Ord)Want to scare the crap and the living daylights out of your neighbors?

Hold a No Such Halloween Party at your place and bug it completely and obviously, i.e., dress it up as the surveillance state.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Turkish Interregnum at 90

Nine decades ago today, Turkey was proclaimed a republic.

Although my sympathy is primarily with Christendom and its monarchies, I do regret the fall of the Ottoman Empire as a monarchy and a party on the Central Powers side of the Great War.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Norwegian Abdication

Nine dozen years ago today, King Oscar II abdicated the ancient throne of Norway.

Swedish 20 crown coin, 1898, profile of King Oscar II

The dissolution of the Swedish-Norwegian union was not merely a dissolution, but it was also – unfortunately – a major step on the way to emasculated monarchy and all but absolute democracy.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Rockwell on the Madness

Lew Rockwell gives his take on what has been going on in the American federal capital:

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lecky Passing

William Edward Hartpole Lecky at Trinity College, DublinEleven decades ago today, William Edward Hartpole Lecky, who stood up against the rising age of democracy, passed on from this world.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Blessed Charles' Feast Day

Today is Blessed Emperor-King Karl's Feast Day. A century and two years ago today, then Archduke Karl married Princess Zita.

The weblog The Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma informs of some relevant events.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Five years short of a century ago today, Russel Kirk was born.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Scaffold Queen

220 years ago today, Queen Marie Antoinette was brutally murdered.

Tea Act Opposed

Nathaniel Currier: The Destruction of Tea at Boston HarborA dozen score years ago today, the Tea Act was criticized in the “Philadelphia Resolutions.”

Monday, October 14, 2013

An Election

32 – or two to the power of five – years ago today, His Majesty King Olav V appointed the first Willoch Cabinet.

Shortly there will be another Conservative Party led Cabinet.

Yours truly voted in the election that led up to this situation with a blank ballot.

Those with high expectations I am afraid are bound for some disappointments. Some improvements may come. However, they are quite certain to be rather feeble compared to the whole picture. Of course, the optimists are free to prove yours truly wrong.

The media already on the first day after the election had apparently proclaimed the end of the monarchy, announcing our “new First Family”:

VG's front page after election night 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013

To Remain Silent...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Money and Political Madness

Peter Schiff has some takes:

Ron Paul reflects as well:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Scruton on Democracy

Over at BBC News Magazine, writes Dr. Roger Scruton:

In my view, the idea that there is a single, one-size-fits-all solution to social and political conflict around the world, and that democracy is the name of it, is based on a disregard of historical and cultural conditions, and a failure to see that democracy is only made possible by other and more deeply hidden institutions. And while we are willing to accept that democracy goes hand in hand with individual freedom and the protection of human rights, we often fail to realise that these three things are three things, not one, and that it is only under certain conditions that they coincide.

Democracy was introduced into Russia without any adequate protection for human rights. And many human rights were protected in 19th Century Britain long before the emergence of anything that we would call democracy. In the Middle East today, we find parties standing for election, like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which regards an electoral victory as the opportunity to crush dissent and impose a way of life that for many citizens is simply unacceptable. In such circumstances democracy is a threat to human rights and not a way of protecting them.
The totalitarian system, I learned, endures not simply by getting rid of democratic elections and imposing a one-party state. It endures by abolishing the distinction between civil society and the state, and by allowing nothing significant to occur which is not controlled by the Party. By studying the situation in Eastern Europe, I came quickly to see that political freedom depends upon a delicate network of institutions, which my friends were striving to understand and if possible to resuscitate.

Cross-posted at The Monarchist.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Poll Results: What Is the American Experiment in Self-Government?

The results for the poll, with the question “what is the American experiment in self-government?,” ending at midnight between September and October, are as follows:

Total votes: 44.
  • a failure: 26 (59%)
  • something that needs to get back on track and everything will be fine: 16 (36%)
  • a success: 2 (4%)
A new poll will be up soon.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Interregnum of Portugal 103

103 years ago today, the interregnal government of Portugal commenced.

Viva o Rei!

The Revolutionary Republic and Christianity

Notre Dame Cathedral at nightEleven score years ago today, Christianity was disestablished by the revolutionaries in France.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Democratic Diner and Benedict Arnold

Over at The LRC Blog, Ms. Becky Akers posts a link to a video on democracy:

Ms. Akers also has an upcoming novel, Abducting Arnold, based on Brigadier General Benedict Arnold (Major General in the Continental Army), of which she posted about last month – and also in August.

You can sign up to be notified of the publication of the novel at her site.

Ms. Akers will in addition be doing a talk on Benedict Arnold in February in New York.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Queen Charlotte's Ball

The annual Queen Charlotte's Ball in London will take place this year on October 26.

Mr. Rafal Heydel-Mankoo has more.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Quote of the Month

Writes Mr. Raheem Kassam over at The Libertarian Republic:

Societies need some structure, and yes, leaders need lots of limitations – this is what America’s founding fathers envisaged when they framed your republic, and it is what centuries of evolution within Britain’s system has achieved through the remit of the monarch, the executive, and two legislative houses. Consulting parliament for a ‘final’ approval, rather than simply as an overseeing body. I cannot stand for it, and I am afraid I still do believe in the Royal Prerogative.

Nisbet at 100

A century ago today, Robert A. Nisbet was born.

Brad Lowell Stone: Robert Nisbet

A quote:
Other and more powerful forms of association have existed, but the major moral and psychological influences on the individual’s life have emanated from the family and local community and the church. Within such groups have been engendered the primary types of identification: affection, friendship, prestige, recognition. And within them also have been engendered or intensified the principal incentives of work, love, prayer, and devotion to freedom and order.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Schiff, Khan, and Clarke & Dawe

Peter Schiff's take on the money madness:

Khan Academy on policy rates, open market operations, and quantitative easing:

And Clarke & Dawe:

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Foreign Policy

Reactionary foreign policy, Radish Magazine and the Thomas Carlyle Club for Young Reactionaries

Via Ad Orientem

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Eliot 125

Five quarters of a century ago today, T.S. Eliot was born.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Calling NSA

Apparently an immigrant in Amsterdam:

The NSA has backup

H/T: The Daily Paul

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Peter Hitchens Interview

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013


It's just metadata

The Bill of Rights crossed out

Mark Twain: patriotism

Via Ad Orientem

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ottoman Army Rejected

330 years ago today, the Turks were rejected at Vienna in the Battle of Vienna.

Details of the video are not endorsed as fully factual.

Mencken 133

Painting of H.L. Mencken133 years ago today, H.L. Mencken was born.

In November, the H.L. Mencken Club hosts its 2013 conference – November 1 through 3.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Battle of Ideas

Battle of Ideas 2013 will take place on the third weekend of October in London.

Amongst the topics are Is nothing private anymore? and First World War: the hundred years view.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Union Threatens

Seven and a half score years ago today, the United States Minister to the United Kingdom, Charles Francis Adams, Sr., threatened the United Kingdom if she were to help those Confederate States of America.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lord Halsbury 190

Lord HalsburyA decade short of two centuries ago today, the 1st Earl of Halsbury – a leading opponent of the Parliament Act 1911 – was born.

Treaty of Paris at 230

The last page of the Treaty of Paris of 1783A score years short of a quarter of a millennium ago today, the Treaty of Paris was signed, recognizing each single of those 13 United States of America.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Tolkien Passing at 40

Four decades ago today, J.R.R. Tolkien passed from this world.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Summer of Monarchy and Democracy

June started off with the Britannic coronation anniversary: Ad Orientem, Tea at Trianon, The Mad Monarchist, No Republic! (again and again), Trond Norén Isaksen

Another Britannic event took place in July, with the arrival of Prince George: The Monarchist, The Mad Monarchist, Ad Orientem, Ad Orientem again, Altar and Throne, No Republic! (again, again, again, again, and again), Dag T. Hoelseth, Trond Norén Isaksen

Tea at Trianon posts generally about the British monarchy, also commenting on the French. The Thinking Housewife also reflects generally on the Britannic monarchy.

Over at Scotland on Sunday, Mr. Gerald Warner gives his thoughts on the new heir being a prince.

Over at the Mail on Sunday, Mr. Peter Hitchens gave his thoughts on the future of the Britannic monarchy. He followed up with some thoughts on monarchy and liberty – in two parts and some responses.

This is most definitely the year of abdications. In July we had the Belgian one: Trond Norén Isaksen, The Mad Monarchist (again and again)

Early in July we have the annual event of the anniversary of American independence: Mr. Paul Pirie at The Washington Post, The Mad Monarchist, The Pittsford Perennialist (quote of Mr. Daniel Hannan)

Over at Alternative Right, Mr. Mark Hackard reflects on Russia, concluding:

Vladimir Putin is far from a perfect counterrevolutionary, but he leads the last great people to oppose an incipient, inhuman world tyranny. His place in history’s saga depends on an ideal reborn- not bourgeois, technocratic Russia Inc., but a Third Rome, calling the nations to repentance and giving the enemies of God good cause to shudder.

Ad Orientem has a couple of posts on Russia. Tea at Trianon reflects on the mystery of Grand Duchess Anastasia, reviewing The Resurrection of the Romanovs.

The Mad Monarchist has some more post, some of which are:
Says Mr. Pax Dickinson:
[M]onarchy might result in a criminal sociopath becoming your leader. [D]emocracy guarantees it.
Also says Mr. Dickinson:
Democracy incentivizes the state to monitor and mold its citizens' public opinions. Privacy is incompatible with mass government.
[V]oter compassion without awareness of facts is built into mass democracy.
If you laugh at how stupid internet commenters are but you also believe in democracy, the joke's on you.
Even more:
[O]f course democracy is compatible with mass surveillance, how else can you be sure the people have the correct opinions?
Yet more:
The GOP shouldn't compromise it's principles to cater to mass opinion? Are you stupid? If you're against that, stop supporting democracy.
Royal Central busts five anti-monarchy myths.

Over at Reason 24/7, Mr. Matthew Feeney presents benefits of monarchy.

Over at Taki's Magazine, Mr. John Derbyshire wonders whether democracy's sun is setting.

Over at Enter Stage Right, Mr. Bruce Walker argues for advantages of monarchy.

Over at The Washington Post, Mr. George F. Will explores the connection between Detroit's situation and democracy.

Foseti reviews The Problem of Democracy by Alain de Benoist.

28 Sherman gives a taste of democracy and illiteracy.

Tea at Trianon reviews the movie Farewell, My Queen of 2012.

Mr. William Gairdner ponders the role of a senate.

The Pittsford Perennialist is baffled by the call for expanding voting rights. Said weblog also quotes from a review by the recently late (RIP) Professor Kenneth Minogue of The Enlightenment by Anthony Pagden.

Hello Magazine reports on yesterday's wedding of Mr. Andrea Casiraghi, currently second in line to the Monegasque throne, only one of two thrones in Europe, not counting the Vatican, where the occupant has any real powers beyond “reserve and advisory powers.” This was high time – given the order of events...

Royal World has posts: August, July, June. So does Radical Royalist: August, July, June. Mr. Rafal Heydel-Mankoo also has lots of interesting commentary: August, July, June.

Mr. Michael Anissimov quotes Mr. William S. Lind:
In 1914, the West put a gun to its collective head and blew its brains out.
So does Konkvistador:
It may well be that European civilization’s last chance for survival was a German victory on the Marne in 1914.
Says Mr. Pax Dickinson:
Woodrow Wilson is an often under-estimated contender for the title of History's Greatest Monster.
Also says Mr. Dickinson:
[T]he world was made safe for democracy, and only then did we notice the predatory gleam in its eye and how sharp its teeth are.
Says The Mad Monarchist:
Sir Winston Churchill famously said, “Democracy is more vindictive than Cabinets. The wars of peoples will be more terrible than those of kings”. True words and easily proven so. In those backward, reactionary times of royal rule, wars tended to be fought for some specific aim. Enemies could meet on the field of battle while their rulers still held mutual respect for each other. Wars tended to end by negotiation. Capital cities were rarely taken and the physical destruction that accompanied war was limited to the battlefields themselves and the actual ground armies marched over. Compare that to the wars of the Twentieth Century in which whole cities, hundreds of miles from the front lines, were bombed to rubble. Sometimes even cities in neutral countries were bombed by mistake. Oops. In the past, when a negotiated peace was the aim of a war, it was usually necessary to have someone to negotiate with. After the wars of peoples took hold, in order to motivate an entire population to war, politicians had to enflame peoples against each other and nothing less than the total annihilation of the enemy and their government would suffice.
Over at LewRockwell.com, Mr. Jonathan Goodwin gives some thoughts on democracy and revenge.

Writes Ad Orientem:
In other words nothing of great importance was going on at the end of August 100 years ago. It will be six years before I will be able to write those words again.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Quote of the Month

Writes Mr. Dan Roodt over at Alternative Right:

Modern democracy is indeed a process whereby the voter surrenders his freedom of action to members of the elite who may act on his behalf, tax him and even impoverish him to their heart’s content. During the banking crisis, we have seen how Western governments did the same and have burdened future generations with mountains of debt, simply to save their sponsors and cronies among members of the corrupt banking fraternity.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

George Wyndham 150

The Rt. Hon. George Wyndham MP150 years ago today, George Wyndham – the “die-hard” Commons opposition leader to Parliament Act 1911was born.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Peter Schiff Stands Up

Peter Schiff practices as stand-up comedian (partly not so virtuous talk):

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Surveillance Randoms

U.S. Senator Michael Enzi:

A less than blindly compliant checkpoint victim:

John Oliver (some bad language):

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

FreedomFest 2013

The Las Vegas 2013 FreedomFest took place over a few days in the first half of July. Here are some videos from the event:

Kitco News has even more.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Franz Josef 183

Seventeen years short of two centuries ago today, Archduke Franz Josef was born.

Gott erhalte und beschütze den Kaiser!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Liechtenstein National Day

Happy National Day!

Hoch leb' der Fürst vom Land!

Monday, August 12, 2013

History and the Wrong Side

Andy Nowicki ponders:

Mr. Nowicki declines to obey “history.” So, BTW, does your host blogger.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Nagasaki Bombed

Over at Chronicles Magazine, Aaron D. Wolf brings up the thoughts of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien on the bombings (H/T: The Pittsford Perennialist).

Over at the website of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal, Dr. Gary G. Kohls gives an account of the dreadful event (Nagasaki).

Over at the Anti-War.com blog, L. Reichard White briefly discusses Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Over at The Libertarian Standard, Anthony Gregory discusses the atrocities of early August 1945.

Previously: Hiroshima Bombed, A Second Bomb

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hiroshima Bombed

Over at the website of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal, Mr. Pat Elder debunks the “official history.” So does Dr. Gary G. Kohls.

Previously: Hiroshima Burns

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Franz Josef 183 this Month

Later this month the 183th birthday of HLIRM Emperor-King Franz Josef I will be celebrated. The celebration is annual.

There is the celebration in Bad Ischl August 11 through 18. L'Associazione Culturale Mitteleuropa is apparently not organizing anything this year.

Here are some videos of previous Kaiserfests in other places (in German):

Görz, 2010:

Millstatt, 2012:

Maria Wörth, 2012:

Friday, August 2, 2013

Democratic Trial?

One of the most unreasonable claims made regarding the Snowden case is that he should go home and face “justice” in those United States.

It has even been claimed that he should go home to face a “democratic trial,” whatever that means. How ludicrous can you get? No, I am not making this up. What does that mean? A people's tribunal? Verdict by popular vote?

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Quote of the Month

Writes Mr. Lee Duigon in an apology to His Late Britannic Majesty King George III over at his weblog:

We apologize for doing you all those injuries, when today we lie down on our backs for insults and injuries to which you never would have dared subject us, for fear of God’s wrath and the contempt of civilized people everywhere–insults and injuries done us by our own elected officials. Remember how we demanded our own representation? You must be laughing yourself silly, to see how that turned out!

The Lion of Lans at 104

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn: Leftism RevisitedEight baker's dozen years ago today, Erik Maria Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn was born.

Wrote Prof. Hans-Hermann Hoppe in early June, in what is an excerpt of a previous speech, over at Mises Daily:

Better, I dare say, to heed the advice of Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn and, instead of aiming to make the world safe for democracy, we try making it safe from democracy — everywhere, but most importantly in the United States.
Happy birthday!

Please feel free to browse previous posts.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Henry Ford

Hartsook: Henry FordOne and a half centuries ago today, Henry Ford was born. In his autobiography, My Life and Work, he wrote:

Perhaps no word is more overworked nowadays than the word “democracy,” and those who shout loudest about it, I think, as a rule, want it least. I am always suspicious of men who speak glibly of democracy. I wonder if they want to set up some kind of depotism or if they want to have somebody do for them what they ought to do for themselves.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Yngvar Nielsen 170

Yngvar NielsenSeventeen decades ago today, Yngvar Nielsen was born. Yngvar Nielsen was a prominent historian in the old world. During the “democratic progress,” at the end of the 19th century he was a proponent of the old order. He was a friend of King Oscar II. He was thus “frozen out” by the Conservative Party.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bad Ischl 99 Years Ago

It was a fateful day. A dreadful, horrendous conflict was about to be unleashed.

A year short of a century ago today. In the Kaiservilla in Bad Ischl, Austria-Hungary declares war on the Kingdom of Serbia – on the day a month after the shots of Sarajevo.

The Kaiservilla in Bad Ischl

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Oliver, Vaughan, Ashdown, and Uygur

Some contributions from John Oliver, Jimmie Vaughan, Pete Ashdown, and Cenk Uygur on the surveillance business:

Friday, July 26, 2013


Congratulations to Her Britannic Majesty, the Prince of Wales, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of Prince George Alexander Louis!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mussolini Dismissal

Villa Savoia, where Mussolini was arrested70 years ago today, Benito Mussolini was dismissed by his King, and shortly thereafter arrested on His Majesty's orders.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Treaty at Lausanne

Turkey after the Treaty of Lausanne90 years ago today, the Treaty of Lausanne was signed.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Where Underwear Belongs...

I went to the neighboorhood pool facilities today.

Apparently, there were a few guys who operated under this rule for the day:

Go to the pool facilities and show your girl and a portion of your underpants to the rest of the world.
Some dropped the girl part. One guy even had nothing covering his underpants.

There is a reason they are called underpants. They belong in your pants.

Regrettably, this phenomenon has become all too common...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

PC Claptrap

Observed recently by yours truly at Heathrow Airport:

Friday, July 19, 2013

Poll Results: Given the Outbreak as an Established Fact, Who Should Have Won World War One?

a peace dove
The results for the poll, with the question “given the outbreak as an established fact, who should have won World War One?,” ending at midnight between June and July, are as follows:

Total votes: 53.
  • None of the above [below]. There should have been a negotiated peace: 45 (84%)
  • The Central Powers: 7 (13%)
  • The Entente Powers: 1 (1%)
A new poll will be up shortly.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Oscar II Coronation

Seven score years ago today, King Oscar II was crowned King of Norway in Trondhjem Cathedral.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Belloc Passing at 60

Joseph Hilaire Pierre René Belloc60 years ago today, Hilaire Belloc passed on from this world.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Vive le Roi de la France!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Three Cheers for Equality

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Constitutional Promulgation

King Haakon, Queen Maud, and Crown Prince Olav of NorwayToday marks the centennial of some important amendments to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway, as they were promulgated a hundred years ago today.

It was the first royal promulgation of constitutional amendments – as opposed to sanctioning or Royal Assent.

One of the amendments itself provided for this promulgation instead of the previous Royal Assent.

The amendment provided for Parliament becoming ultimately absolute – also formally – as Royal Assent was no longer required for a constitutional amendment. One could say this marked the final nail in the coffin for real monarchy in Norway. A sad day indeed.

Also, on this day a hundred years ago, the suffrage was expanded universally to women. That being the other amendment promulgated.

Strutt Passing

Coat of arms of the Strutt familyWe mark 65 years since the passing of this weblog's icon, or mascot if you will, Lt.-Col. Strutt, of whom the late Archduke Otto had a fond memory.

Lt.-Col. Strutt gave a few helping hands to the Habsburg family.

Please feel free to browse posts on this great officer.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Reverend Byles

John Singleton Copley: Mather BylesNine quarters of a century ago today, Mather Byles passed on. He is known for saying:

Which is better – to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away or by three thousand tyrants one mile away?
J. L. Bell has an old post over at his blog Boston 1775.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Battle of Gettysburg

One and a half centuries ago today (here and here), the Confederacy must see a miserable failure indeed in the war that created the behemoth that was to run around the world making it safe for democracy.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Quote of the Month

Writes Mr. Daniel McAdams over at The LRC Blog:

Isn't it funny that when the prime minister of Turkey irritates the population by plowing down some trees and acting like a jerk the whole country takes to the street to demand his ouster, while when the US government violates our most private moments by listening in to all of our telephone calls and monitoring our every move it is *** crickets *** beyond a tiny few hyped-up Facebook posters and meme-artists?

Yet the US claims the right to teach the rest of the world about democracy, civil rights, and individual liberties?

Friday, June 28, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Summer Night Concert in Vienna

Annual concert performed this year Thursday May 30:

More info on the concert can be found here – and there is an online store.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

U.S. Troops in Europe

Portrait of Hugh A. Ball during his enlistment in the US Army as a WWI soldierEight dozen years ago today, American troops arrived in France for duty in the Great War.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Orwell 110

Eleven decades ago today, Eric Arthur Blair, more widely known as George Orwell, was born.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Monarchy of May

Royal World reports on the support for monarchy in Serbia. So does Radical Royalist.

Radical Royalist also reports on republicanism in the Commonwealth of Australia.

Tea at Trianon posts on the House of Liechtenstein.

Reporters Club Nepal reports on a Nepalese party's hope for revival. FreeNepal News Network does so too.

Johnson's Russia List reports on the support for monarchy in Russia. Yes, the numbers may seem low. However, they are apparently moving in the right direction, and we must remember how much anti-monarchist propaganda Russians have been subject to.

Royal Central reflects on the reign of Britannic monarch George V.

Stirring Trouble Internationally protests modernization of the monarchy.

Some republican has the screwed idea that there are no good monarchist arguments.

Writes Ms. Suzanne Lynch over at The Irish Times:

Despite mumblings of discontent, the position of royalty has never seemed so safe. At a time when public satisfaction with directly elected representatives is at a low, for advocates of democracy this is a cruel irony.
Economics Is For Donkeys ponders monarchy and meritocracy.

ThinkSpain reports on the Spanish King's worries.