When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to save money like a maniac because the government has stolen 30% to 40% of everything you have made, it takes away a lot of the enthusiasm for celebrating the Declaration of Independence. When Jefferson wrote that document, the British were extracting approximately 1% of national income from the American colonies. For the southern colonies, it may have been 2.5%. If we could somehow get back to the tyranny of Great Britain in 1776, I would be willing to celebrate the Fourth of July with greater enthusiasm. But that would take a revolution.previous
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Quote of the Month
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
11:48 PM
July Month of Distress
July is a month of much unfortunate history.
July is the month of the American Declaration of Independence, although arguably in itself not anti-monarchical, it eventually departed the rebelling colonies from the monarchical order, gave popular government, which eventually ended up in today's mess.
July is the month of the start of the French Revolution.
July is the month of the Yekaterinburg tragedy.
July is the month of the July Crisis of 1914 and the Austro-Hungarian declaration of war, starting a war that was to escalate within 8 days to a world war that was to last 4 years and 3 months, cost millions of lives, change the world as it was known, and leave the soul of our civilization deeply wounded.
American Monarchist has had a post on Indian royalty and one on ambitions and politicians to mention a couple.
On Bastille Day there was a post on The Count's Blog on fairy tales, real life, monarchy, and republics.
This July has been said:
Laurence Vance:
And regarding George III and George Bush II, don't we owe an apology to the former?Maria of Russia said:
[A] member of the Imperial Family following the republican ideas is the same as the Church professing atheism.John Michael Greer wrote:
If we can regain a certain degree of mythic literacy, and apply it to the myths that shape our public life, we might even be able to stop thinking of modern industrial society as either the best or the worst of human cultures, and recognize it as the ramshackle product of a long process of evolution, containing much that is worth saving alongside much that belongs in history’s compost bin. We might also find ourselves realizing in time that catastrophe is no guarantee of Utopia, and a better society will emerge out of the wreckage of this one only if a very sizable number of us are willing to muster the courage, forbearance, and capacity for hard work needed to make that happen.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
11:08 PM
Labels: modern decline, quotes
Poll Results: Non-British or Non-Monarchical Worse?
The results for the poll, asking which [of the alternatives] was the worse, ending at midnight between June and July are as follows:
Total votes: 29.
- The American colonies' parting with the monarchical order: 18 (62 %)
- The American colonies' parting with the British Crown: 11 (37 %)
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
10:33 PM
Labels: poll
Napoleon and Hitler
Napoleon did not stand back for Hitlerite methods, according to historical research. So the Daily Mail reports.
H/T: American Monarchist
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
9:05 PM
Labels: France, short note
Obama and the Masses
The expected 16 thsuccessor to the Persona Non Grata of this weblog has been on the grounds of the world that said Persona Non Grata effectively pushed into complete destruction, as mentioned previously here and elsewhere.
Søren Kern of the Brussels Journal has more. So does Gerard Baker of the Times.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
8:52 PM
Labels: demagoguery, democracy
Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn 99
Today would have been the 99th birthday of Erik Maria Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn.
You might like to read Democracy's Road to Tyranny, LvMI blog posts concerning the great master, and material at Findarticles.com.
Please also feel free to visit Andrew Rogers' page on EvKL.
May this great Knight of Austria arguably the last knight of the Habsburg Empire continue to rest in peace.
Elsewhere (update): Lew Rockwell
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
6:53 AM
Labels: In Memorian, thinkers
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Obama Eligible POTUS?
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
6:55 AM
Labels: Hawai'i, short thought
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Ron Paul as Vice President?
Mike Shedlock suggests the Honorable Ronald Ernest Paul as Obama's Vice Presidential nominee.
H/T: Lew Rockwell
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
9:43 PM
Labels: Ron Paul, short note
Pius X and the Great War
On the occasion of the 94th anniversary of outbreak of war in Europe, an essay by Dr. Peter Chojnowski is brought to you.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
7:54 AM
Labels: Habsburg, modern decline
Monday, July 28, 2008
"Princess Obama"
Ms. Melanie Philips debunks the upcoming Orator-in-Chief.
H/T: Sunlit Uplands
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
8:25 PM
Labels: America, demagoguery
Royal Prerogatives Bad?
An Oxford Professor Iain McLean is “making a case” against the monarch's right to dismiss the Cabinet. So the Canberra Times and the Australian National University News report.
I dismiss his case in a post at The Monarchist.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
1:16 PM
Labels: Commonwealth, own article, UK
Austria-Hungary vs. Serbia
Bad Ischl. July 28, 1914. Six years short of a century ago today. Emperor Franz Josef declares war on the Kingdom of Serbia.
A grave error indeed!
Count von Berchtold was pushing for war. Sadly, to say the least, the Emperor complied.
Of course, the monarchs in charge in 1914 should have done more to prevent the War that ended Western Civilization.
It is interesting, however, that there were men who pushed for war and monarchs who did not stop them, and how the ‘logical’ consequence of this is that monarchs should not have power. That they did not meddle and let politicos go ahead with the war shows that they should not be allowed to meddle?
Elsewhere: Le Fleur de Lys too on the ultimatum 5 days earlier
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
7:09 AM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
"Conspiracy" in Nepal
There are allegedly “conspiracies” going on to restore the monarchy in Nepal. So Telegraph Nepal reports.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
8:46 PM
Labels: Nepal, short note
King “Apprenticeship”
HRH Prince William of Wales will undergo intensive, “secret” training for the highest office. So the News of the World reports.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
12:34 PM
Labels: Commonwealth, short note, UK
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Monarchy Antiquated?
From time to time we hear that monarchy is antiquated.
We learn in school about the Roman Republic and Athenian Democracy.
We learn about these from the period called, yes, Antiquity.
Say again?
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
8:58 AM
Labels: monarchism, short thought
Friday, July 25, 2008
God Save the Tsar!
Coronation. Moscow. May 26, 1896.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
6:03 AM
Labels: Russia
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Bhutan Constitution
The Kingdom of Bhutan has adopted a new constitution. So Associated Press reports.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
7:44 AM
Labels: Bhutan, short note
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
More on United Empire Loyalists
The Welland Tribune reports on Saturday's ceremony in Port Colborne in Her Britannic Majesty's Province of Ontario.
CTV News reports on loyalist reenactment in Shelburne in Her Britannic Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia. Nova News Now has some photos. Rod Mackay has some posts.
Another reenactment took place in Her Britannic Majesty's Province of Ontario. So the St. Catharines Standard reports.
Also, there's this description of a visit to a Loyalist burial ground by the Bay of Quinte in Her Britannic Majesty's Province of Ontario.
And then, there's this decade old New York Times article on Fredericton.
Update: A commenter at The Monarchist tips about this and this page on the Loyalist Parkway.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
6:10 AM
Labels: America, Commonwealth
Monday, July 21, 2008
Imperial Interview
The Grand Duchess Maria
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
1:12 PM
Labels: Russia
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The "Myth" of Progress
John Michael Greer reflects on the myth of progress.
H/T: The Western Confucian
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
11:38 PM
Labels: modern decline, short note
Imperial Exhibition
An exhibition of Imperial Russia will run till September in Moscow. So the New York Times reports.
H/T: Royal World
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
5:23 PM
Labels: Russia, short note
The Light Ages
Over at Taki's Magazine, Dr. Thomas E. Woods, Jr. reflects on the decentralism of the Middle Ages.
H/T: The Western Confucian
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
11:32 AM
Labels: modern decline, short note
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Our Decline A Study
American Monarchist recommends A Study of Our Decline by Philip Atkinson.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
11:22 PM
Labels: modern decline, short note
United Empire Loyalists
In a ceremony today in Port Colborne in Her Britannic Majesty's Province of Ontario, Loyalists from the American War for Independence are honored. So the Welland Tribune reports.
Of other United Empire Loyalist news is:
- The Truro Dialy News: Reunion a big step back in history
- The Telegraph-Journal: Botsford forefathers gone but not forgotten
- The Daily Gleaner reports on a new exhibition at the York Sunbury Museum in Fredericton in Her Britannic Majesty's Province of New Brunswick.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
8:45 PM
Labels: America, Commonwealth
More on Yekaterinburg
There's more on Thursday's anniversary.
Andrew Cusack has a post. So does Gerald Warner.
No Republic! has a follow-up.
Grand Duchess Maria makes a statement.
The BBC reports of an 11 mile long procession.
Other reports can be found here, here, here, and here.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
3:03 AM
Labels: Russia, totalitarianism
Friday, July 18, 2008
Hope for the Himalayan Kingdom?
Kamal Thapa hopes to revive the Nepalese monarchy. So the Telegraph Nepal and nepalnews.com report.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
11:55 PM
Labels: Nepal, short note
More on the French "Celebration"
Over at the Daily Telegraph, the great Tory Gerald Warner sets things straight.
H/T: Royal World
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
10:15 PM
Labels: France, short note
Oscar II
135 years ago today, Oscar II was crowned King of Norway.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
12:26 PM
Labels: Scandinavia, short note
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Remember Yekaterinburg!
July 17, 1918.
90 years ago today.
The Eastern Emperor and his family.
At the hands of Yakov Yurovsky & accomplices.
Elsewhere (update): No Republic!, Gulfnews (H/T: Royal World)
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
6:03 AM
Labels: Russia, totalitarianism
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
It's not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so!
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
11:34 AM
Labels: monarchism, short thought
Monday, July 14, 2008
Vive le Roi!
Dr. J.P. Zmirak raises a toast to the men of the Vendée.
Bruce Lewis debunks the French Revolution.
Tea at Trianon has a post on Maria Antoinette and the Revolution.
Le Fleur de Lys too has a post here and here.
First two links via Royal World.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
11:50 PM
Labels: France, modern decline
Louis XVI and Jefferson
The Monticello website gives us information on the regal portraits given to Thomas Jefferson.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
7:13 AM
Labels: America, France, short note
Sunday, July 13, 2008
More Reading
Unqualified Reservations has some reading tips. They're from a few months ago, but they're still highly relevant.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
1:39 PM
Labels: literature, short note
Saturday, July 12, 2008
A Century of War
David Gordon reviews John V. Denson's A Century of War.
H/T: Tea at Trianon
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
12:31 PM
Labels: military intervention, review
Friday, July 11, 2008
Who Killed the Constitution?
Dr. Thomas E. Woods introduces a new book he has co-authored.
He says of the Persona Non Grata of this weblog:
As Bill Kauffman puts it, Wilson makes George W. Bush look like a pro bono lawyer for the ACLU. In tandem with draconian penalties for the most harmless statements about the Great War, voluntary enforcement agencies with names like the Sedition Slammers, the Terrible Threateners, and the Boy Spies of America sprang up across the country. Eugene V. Debs made the best of his situation, collecting a million votes for president in the 1920 election while in prison for giving a speech. (A popular campaign button read, "For President: Convict No. 9653.") All three branches of government heartily approved.Also, there is an unofficial site.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
12:20 PM
Labels: quotes, Woodrow Wilson
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Brave Surveying New World
The Senate of those United States has just passed a bill further authorizing surveillance:
Also, “security bracelets” are being considered (Washington Times via Lew Rockwell, LRC Blog).
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
3:55 PM
Labels: America, pervasive government
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Long to Reign
Ad Trinitatem celebrates Her Britannic Majesty.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
11:48 PM
Labels: Commonwealth, short note
Monday, July 7, 2008
Nepali Celebrate the King
500 people gathered outside the home of “Mr. Gyanendra” to celebrate his birthday. So the Straits Times reports.
H/T: American Monarchist
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
11:32 PM
Labels: Nepal, short note
Lt.-Col. Edward Lisle Strutt, C.B.E., D.S.O. (1874-1948)
This blog post is a different version than the article run today at LRC. So is the one at The Monarchist. They are 3 different versions.
In memory of the protector of Blessed Charles of Austria-Hungary.
On this day 60 years ago, the icon of this weblog passed on from this world.
Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Lisle Strutt, C.B.E, D.S.O served His Britannic Majesty George V in the Great War. He was born on February 8, 1874 as a grandson of the first Lord Belper.
Now, why would a pro Central Powers blog have a British officer as its icon? The main reason is that this blog, while indeed being pro Central Powers, preferring a Central Power victor over an Allied victory, is primarily pro old order and against the new order. It is not primarily a blog against the English-speaking peoples or other peoples of the Allied Powers of the Great War a war that never should have happened. So the icon of this blog is an old order partisan, who showed his partisanship through action, and who fought the war on the other side. Lt.-Col. Strutt becomes a symbol of reconciliation between peoples, whilst also being a symbol of support for the old order.
Lieutenant-Colonel Strutt was selected by a higher officer at the Allied military headquarters in Constantinople to serve as protector of the Austro-Hungarian Imperial and Royal Family, a mission at the personal initiative of His Britannic Majesty George V. Hence, this blog’s icon is also a symbol of solidarity between monarchs and of personal regal powers, which, alas, had been greatly reduced at the time. However, they were apparently strong enough to create a mission on which the old order came out as victor, whereas the new order, represented by Austrian republican Chancellor Dr. Karl Renner, was completely humiliated.
Dr. Renner demanded an abdication, but Lt.-Col. Strutt was evidently perfectly capable of putting Dr. Renner in his place. With no backing from London whatsoever, Strutt threatened to reestablish the blockade.
This British officer served as a protector of what was arguably the foremost representative of the Old European Order, the Austro-Hungarian Imperial-Royal Family. This family’s protector could very well have been an officer who took care of the basic security of the family, but otherwise treated the family as the defeated and the Austrian republican government as one of the victors. Lt.-Col. Strutt did not. He treated the Habsburg family as one of his own, that is, a victor, whilst the republican government was treated as the defeated.
President Wilson had had his crusade against the old order. Lieutenant-Colonel Strutt might not have led a crusade against the new, but he certainly put the new order in its place. There is little doubt, if any, who Strutt preferred at the helm in Vienna. If he had had the power to, and no loyalty to His Britannic Majesty had stood in the way, he would likely have reinstated the Emperor.
Indeed, whereas the old order lost the war, the old order definitely won the Austrian departure.
We honor the memory of Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Lisle Strutt, C.B.E., D.S.O. on this day.
References on Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Lisle Strutt, C.B.E, D.S.O can be found in:
- Gordon Brook-Shepherd, The Last Habsburg (e.g., extensive quotes from the officer’s diary).
- Gordon Brook-Shepherd, The Uncrowned Emperor: the Life and Times of Otto von Habsburg.
- The London Gazette (e.g., appointment to Commander of the Military Division of the Order of the British Empire (May 30, 1919, supplement published June 3, issue 31377, p. 6983)).
- Burke’s Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 2003, p. 340 (under Belper).
- Who Was Who (volume for 1941-1950), London.
- Wikipedia.
Elsewhere: LewRockwell.com, The Monarchist
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
9:05 AM
Labels: Habsburg, In Memorian, own article, Strutt
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Russian Future
Grand Duchess Maria of Russia has hopes for a monarchical future. So the Christian Telegraph reports.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
12:27 PM
Labels: Russia, short note
The Society of the Cincinnati
The Monarchist celebrates the Society of the Cincinnati.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
6:52 AM
Labels: America, short note
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Land of the Free?
The federal government of those United States is after Swiss bank accounts. So CNN reports.
I recall applying for an American visa a few years ago. I especially remember a question if I had renounced U.S. citizenship in order to escape taxes.
Land of the free? Or of the unfree?
Link via Bill Anderson, LRC Blog.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
11:37 PM
Labels: America, pervasive government
A national speed limit is being reconsidered in those United States. So CNN reports.
I have fond memories of visiting Montana Palm Weekend of 1997 from Calgary. It was indeed a pleasure to read the huge speed limit sign saying:
reasonable and prudentLink via Lew Rockwell.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
5:56 PM
Labels: America, pervasive government
Writing to a King
Dmitry Chernikov discusses Hoppean theory of monarchy and democracy.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
12:38 PM
Labels: Hoppe, short note
Friday, July 4, 2008
Quote of the Month (June)
Is there a single Leftist in America – or for that matter a single conservative politician or employed journalist – who is willing to say: We should have left well enough alone? Whatever curse British rule inflicted on Africa, the lot of post-colonial Africans seems infinitely worse.previous
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
6:07 PM
Science, Sensation, and Democracy
Writes “Deogolwulf” at his weblog The Joy of Curmudgeonry:
Now that science has become an industry largely dependent on the supply of public money, as regulated by governments largely dependent on public demands, it is not unlikely that, given no ethos of resistance to extraneous demands, the information that this industry supplies in return for its money will be to some extent determined by those demands, and, as anyone with an ounce of discernment who has read any newspaper recently can testify, the public demands sensation — which is a demand for the significance of the information that is put before it, understandable as significant at the lowest level.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
3:01 PM
The West Lost the World
Leon Hadar and William S. Lind review Patrick J. Buchanan's book Churchill, Hitler, and “The Unnecessary War”: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
10:52 AM
Labels: military intervention, review
Christianity and the History of Freedom
Over at the Acton Institute, Dr. Kevin E. Schmiesing reflects on the Christianity and the history of liberty.
H/T: The Western Confucian
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
6:21 AM
Labels: short note, thinkers
Thursday, July 3, 2008
The Marriage Institution
Over at Taki's Magazine, Justin Raimondo opposes gay “marriage.”
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
11:39 PM
Labels: modern decline, short note
Feminism and Children
Over at Taki's Magazine, Richard Spencer mocks the claim that feminism can save Europe.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
10:13 PM
Labels: modern decline, short note
Abortionist Honored
An abortionist has been invested as Member of the Order of Canada. So CBC News reports.
Link via The Monarchist.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
8:02 PM
Labels: Commonwealth, modern decline, short note
Gettysburg Failure
Seven score and five years ago today (here and here), the Confederacy failed miserably in the war that created the behemoth that was to run around the world making it safe for democracy.
Posted by
J.K. Baltzersen
5:47 PM
Labels: Confederacy, short note