Sunday, December 31, 2017

WRU Unplugger of the Year

The WRU Unplugger of the Year need not be a monarchist, nor regret the fall of the Old European Order. The WRU Unplugger of the Year is simply the one who is considered to have done most in bringing about the unplugging of the Wilson Revolution.

This year's awardee comes from the capital of the old empire that was destroyed when the Wilsonian World Order arose. His government has offered serious opposition to the Brussels EU regime. His government has proposed Austrian citizenship for residents of South Tyrol, a part of Austria that was granted to Italy as a Wilsonian measure. His government may be the first step in and an inspiration to restoration of old Austria.

The 2017 WRU Unplugger of the Year is:

Sebastian Kurz

Sebastian Kurz


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