Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Monarchy in July

Donatien Alphonse de Sade (Marquis de Sade)
The month of July is arguably a sad, heavy month for the cause of monarchy, as previous blogging at this weblog contributes to show. There is Bastille Day and Yekaterinburg – amongst other tragic incidents.

Wrote The Mad Monarchist:

The official story is that the storming of the Bastille on July 14 was a symbolic assault on tyranny, officially marking the beginning of the French Revolution as a heroic struggle for liberation from the “bondage” of traditional authority (the monarchy, the aristocracy and the clergy) and traditional moral values which upheld such authority. Monarchists know, and everyone else should too, that the facts are very far from this ideal narrative which is celebrated today as the national French holiday.
Royal World has some thoughts on Bastille Day. So does Anarcho-Monarchism.

Moving over to the tragic Russian anniversary, over at his weblog Confessions of a Ci-Devant, concludes Mr. Gareth Russell after a long account:
It had been a horrible, violent, lawless death - carried out in secret, without a trial or without justice. It was a fate that was to befall millions of ordinary Russians in the years under Communist rule - a system of government which has still, inexplicably, managed to escape the historical condemnation it so richly deserves. The Soviet Union was a depraved and genocidal regime, which even on its best days bore all the qualities of a sociopath. It was devoid of morality or respect for human life. It was infinitely worse than any regime in Russian history. And although it had technically come to power in October 1917, it was the events in Yekaterinburg on 17th July 1918 that should arguably be seen as the Soviet Union's true birth-date. Everything that defined it and everything that it was prepared to resort to was contained in how it executed the Romanovs. As Trotsky so rightly pointed out, with his chilling disinterest in human suffering - it proved that there was no going back. It defined what was to come.
A monarchist party has been established in Russia – under opposition from the Imperial House. So reports RT.

On a somewhat related note, over at Taki's Magazine, Mr. Taki Theodoracopulos himself states:
My good friend King Constantine of Greece lost his throne in a rigged referendum in 1974—it was rigged by the fathers of the same politicians who have run my country into the ground. Had he been head of state I like to believe he would have called a halt to the corruption that saw EU money distributed to buy votes rather than invested in the country’s infrastructure.

A king’s duty is to remain above politics and call a halt when the ship of state is about to crash into the rocks.

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