Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Romanov Liquidation

Four score and nine years ago today, the Russian Imperial Family was murdered.


Anonymous said...

Would not Romanov Regicide be a better title? Liquidation sounds so very Soviet. I personally would hesitate to stoop to their language.

J.K. Baltzersen said...

Sir or Madam,

To me “liquidation” sounds like something the mafia does to get rid of someone bothersome. To me it is a killing in cold blood because it simply just suits one. That was what the Soviets did, and so that is what it should be called.

I never thought of the term as something belonging to Soviet terminology. If you have any sources of that being the case, please do feel free to provide them.

As for the term “regicide,” it involves the killing of a monarch, not his entire family. Moreover, according to Wikipedia, it can also be used for killings -- allegedly at least -- according to “due process of law.”